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Go Read #2 - Musical Taste

Atualizado: 21 de mai. de 2024

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Level: B1

Title: Musical Taste

Once there was a girl named Lily who had a unique taste in music. As a child, she loved listening to classical music, especially the works of Bach and Mozart. She found their music soothing and calming, and it helped her focus on her studies. During her teenage years, Lily's taste in music changed drastically. She became a fan of rock and heavy metal, much to the dismay of her parents. She loved the energy and passion in the music, and she found it a great way to express her teenage angst. As she entered her twenties, Lily's taste in music shifted again. This time, she discovered the world of electronic dance music (EDM). She loved the pulsating beats and the way the music made her feel alive. She spent many weekends dancing the night away at music festivals and raves. In her thirties, Lily's taste in music mellowed out once again. She found herself drawn to indie and folk music, with their introspective lyrics and soothing melodies. She enjoyed listening to artists like Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes while taking long walks in the park. Now in her forties, Lily's taste in music has become more eclectic than ever. She listens to everything from classical to EDM, from rock to folk. She believes that music is a reflection of the different phases of life, and that each phase has a different sound. Lily's unique taste in music has helped her navigate the ups and downs of life, and she continues to discover new artists and genres with each passing year. She believes that music is a universal language that can bring people together, regardless of their differences.


1. Unique (Único)

  • Example: Lily had a unique taste in music, starting from classical to electronic dance music (EDM) and eventually to indie and folk music. (Exemplo: Lily tinha um gosto musical único, começando pela música clássica, passando pela música eletrônica (EDM) e, eventualmente, pela música indie e folk.)

  • Dictionary Definition: Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. (Definição de Dicionário: Sendo o único do gênero; diferente de qualquer outra coisa.)

2. Classical (Clássico)

  • Example: As a child, Lily loved listening to classical music, especially the works of Bach and Mozart. (Exemplo: Quando criança, Lily adorava ouvir música clássica, especialmente obras de Bach e Mozart.)

  • Dictionary Definition: Music that follows long-established principles rather than being innovative or experimental; often refers to music from the European tradition between the Middle Ages and the 19th century. (Definição de dicionário: Música que segue princípios estabelecidos há muito tempo, em vez de ser inovadora ou experimental; muitas vezes refere-se à música da tradição europeia entre a Idade Média e o século XIX.)

3. Soothing (Calmante)

  • Example: Lily found classical music soothing and calming, which helped her focus on her studies. (Exemplo: Lily achava a música clássica calmante e calmante, o que a ajudou a se concentrar nos estudos.)

  • Dictionary Definition: Having a calming or comforting effect; alleviating distress or pain. (Definição de dicionário: Ter efeito calmante ou reconfortante; aliviar angústia ou dor.)

4. Drastically (Drasticamente)

  • Example: Lily's taste in music changed drastically during her teenage years, shifting from classical to rock and heavy metal. (Exemplo: O gosto musical de Lily mudou drasticamente durante sua adolescência, passando do clássico para o rock e o heavy metal.)

  • Dictionary Definition: In a way that is extreme or severe; having a significant and sudden effect. (Definição de dicionário: De forma extrema ou severa; tendo um efeito significativo e repentino.)

5. Angst (Angústia)

  • Example: Lily found rock and heavy metal music a great way to express her teenage angst. (Exemplo: Lily achou o rock e o heavy metal uma ótima maneira de expressar sua angústia adolescente.)

  • Dictionary Definition: A feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general. (Definição de dicionário: Um sentimento de profunda ansiedade ou pavor, normalmente sem foco sobre a condição humana ou o estado do mundo em geral.)

6. Pulsating (Pulsante)

  • Example: Lily loved the pulsating beats of electronic dance music (EDM), which made her feel alive. (Exemplo: Lily adorava as batidas pulsantes da música eletrônica (EDM), que a faziam se sentir viva.)

  • Dictionary Definition: Expanding and contracting rhythmically; throbbing or vibrating rhythmically. (Definição de dicionário: Expandindo e contraindo ritmicamente; latejando ou vibrando ritmicamente.)

7. Mellowed out (Suavizado)

  • Example: In her thirties, Lily's taste in music mellowed out, and she found herself drawn to indie and folk music. (Exemplo: Na casa dos trinta, o gosto musical de Lily suavizou e ela se sentiu atraída pela música indie e folk.)

  • Dictionary Definition: To become more relaxed, calm, or easygoing, often after a period of intensity or excitement. (Definição do dicionário: Tornar-se mais relaxado, calmo ou tranquilo, geralmente após um período de intensidade ou excitação.)

8. Introspective (Introspectivo)

  • Example: Lily enjoyed indie and folk music for their introspective lyrics and soothing melodies. (Exemplo: Lily gostava de música indie e folk por suas letras introspectivas e melodias suaves.)

  • Dictionary Definition: Inward-looking; reflective or characterized by contemplation of one's own thoughts and feelings. (Definição de dicionário: introspectivo; reflexivo ou caracterizado pela contemplação dos próprios pensamentos e sentimentos.)

9. Eclectic (Eclético)

  • Example: Now in her forties, Lily's taste in music has become more eclectic than ever, listening to everything from classical to EDM to rock to folk. (Exemplo: Agora na casa dos quarenta, o gosto musical de Lily tornou-se mais eclético do que nunca, ouvindo de tudo, desde música clássica a EDM, de rock a folk.)

  • Dictionary Definition: Deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources. (Definição de dicionário: derivar ideias, estilo ou gosto de uma ampla e diversificada gama de fontes.)

10. Universal (Universal)

  • Example: Lily believes that music is a universal language that can bring people together, regardless of their differences. (Exemplo: Lily acredita que a música é uma linguagem universal que pode unir as pessoas, independentemente das suas diferenças.)

  • Dictionary Definition: Applicable or common to all members of a group or set; involving or understood by all. (Definição de Dicionário: Aplicável ou comum a todos os membros de um grupo ou conjunto; envolvendo ou compreendido por todos.)

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