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Go Listen #1- Matheu's Self-introduction

Atualizado: 25 de fev. de 2024


Estreamos o nosso PODCAST - Go Listen! 🎧para você praticar habilidades de compreensão auditiva e expandir o seu vocabulário de inglês enquanto conhecem a história e os interesses como a do Matheus, um jovem fascinante que gosta de futebol e ler livros.

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Level: A1

Title: Matheu's Self-introduction

Hello, my name is Matheus, and I'm twelve years old. I enjoy playing football and reading books online. I live in a small house with my family. Our home is very close to my dad's hospital where he works as a doctor. He's very smart. My mom is a nutritionist, and she's also very clever. We have a dog named Dori who loves to play and go for walks in the park. I love my family and Dori very much.

Next week, I'll be going back to school after enjoying my vacation. I spent time with my grandparents in the countryside and played a lot with my friends and cousins. I'm excited to see my old friends again and to make new ones. This year might be a bit challenging, but I'm ready to learn new things.

During my free time, I like to play the piano. At first, it was hard, but now I can play well. My mom finds it relaxing when I play for her. I'm thinking about learning to play the drums or the guitar next, so I can join my friend's band.


1. enjoy (desfrutar): Verb, to take pleasure in something (Verbo, ter prazer em alguma coisa)

Example: Matheus enjoys playing football.

2. playing (brincar): Verb, engaging in a game or sport. (Verbo, participar de um jogo ou esporte)

Example: Matheus enjoys playing football with his friends.

3. reading (leitura): Verb, looking at and understanding written words. (Verbo, olhar e compreender palavras escritas)

   Example: Matheus enjoys reading books online.

4. small (pequeno): Adjective, little in size or amount. (Adjetivo, pequeno em tamanho ou quantidade)

   Example: Matheus lives in a small house with his family.

5 close (próximo): Adjective, near in distance or time. (Adjetivo, próximo em distância ou tempo)

    Example: Matheus's home is close to his dad's hospital.

6. smart (inteligente): Adjective, intelligent or clever. (Adjetivo, inteligente ou esperto)

Example: Matheus's dad is very smart.

7. clever (inteligente): Adjective, quick to understand or learn. (Adjetivo, rápido de entender ou aprender)

   Example: Matheus's mom is very clever.

8. excited (animado): Adjective, feeling eager or enthusiastic. (Adjetivo, sentindo-se ansioso ou entusiasmado)

   Example: Matheus is excited to go back to school.

9. vacation (férias): Noun, a period of time spent away from home or work in recreation or travel. (Substantivo, período de tempo passado fora de casa ou do trabalho, em recreação ou viagem)

  Example: Matheus enjoyed his vacation with his grandparents.

10. countryside (campo): Noun, the land outside of cities and towns, often characterized by farms and natural scenery. (Substantivo, a terra fora das cidades e vilas, muitas vezes caracterizada por fazendas e paisagens naturais)

  Example: Matheus visited his grandparents in the countryside.

11. challenging (desafiador): Adjective, difficult in a way that is interesting or stimulating. (Adjetivo, difícil de uma forma interessante ou estimulante)

 Example: Matheus knows that this year at school will be challenging.

12. learn (aprender): Verb, to gain knowledge or skill through study, experience, or being taught. (Verbo, adquirir conhecimento ou habilidade por meio do estudo, da experiência ou de ser ensinado)

Example: Matheus is ready to learn new things at school.

13. free time (tempo livre): Noun, time that is free from work or obligations. (Substantivo, tempo livre de trabalho ou obrigações)

Example: Matheus plays the piano in his free time.

15. thinking about (pensando sobre): Verb phrase, considering or contemplating. (Frase verbal, considerando ou contemplando)

  Example: Matheus is thinking about learning to play the drums or guitar.

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