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Reading Practice - Learning About Cultures - (A1)

Atualizado: 28 de nov. de 2023

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Learning about cultures

Level = A1 Words = 224

Learning about cultures

This is Johnny. He is my best friend. He is from Canada. He has been in Mexico for two years. Now he went back to Australia to be with his family. Johnny can speak three languages fluently. He is teaching me English, and I am teaching him Portuguese. We love to travel and learn about different cultures.

We think it is fascinating to learn about the world, other people religions and habits like how they usually dress and behave themselves, what is normal what don’t etc. It makes me question my own lifestyle and also makes me want to know other's culture, like letting your shoes outside the house like the Asian do. I also notice how before I had a narrow mind. I was actually very scared of the unknown. But I never thought learning about cultures would be so fun and spike my curiosity. So now I am always wondering what do next? What the next food to try? What the next place to go?

I am glad to have meet Johnny. He was the one to make me question my misconceptions and push my own boundaries to try to learn more languages, I thought only smart people could do that. But now I see how it helped me to grow not only professionally but as a person too.

Text by Nicole Campos


  • behave = to act in a particular way

se comportar

  1. Whenever there was a full moon he would start behaving strangely.

(Sempre que havia lua cheia ele começava a se comportar de maneira estranha)

  • lifestyle = someone's way of living; the things that a person or particular group of people usually do:

estilo de vida

1. He doesn't have a very healthy lifestyle.

(Ele não tem um estilo de vida muito saudável)

2. She needs a pretty high income to support her lifestyle.

(Ela precisa de uma renda bastante alta para sustentar seu estilo de vida)

  • notice = to see or become conscious of something or someone:

perceber, notar

1. I noticed a crack in the ceiling.

(Notei uma rachadura no teto)

2. He noticed the woman was staring at him.

(Ele notou que a mulher estava encarando ele)

  • narrow-minded = not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own:

mente fechada

A narrow-minded person is a person who have prejudice against others or beliefs.

(Uma pessoa de mente estreita é aquela que tem preconceito contra outras pessoas ou crenças)

  • unknown = not known or familiar:

não familiar, desconhecido

1. The exact number of people carrying the virus is unknown.

(O número exato de pessoas portadoras do vírus é desconhecido)

2. Racism is in some ways just a fear of the unknown.

(O racismo é, de certa forma, apenas um medo do desconhecido)

  • wondering = to ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something:

se perguntar, desejo de saber algo

1. I was wondering if you'd like to come to the movies with me this evening?

(Eu queria saber se você gostaria de ir ao cinema comigo esta noite?)

  • misconception = an idea that is wrong because it has been based on a failure to understand a situation:

equívoco, falsa concepção, desentendido

1. It’s a common misconception that Americans think only about money.

(É um equívoco comum pensar que os americanos pensam apenas em dinheiro)

2. hope our work will help to change popular misconceptions about

(Esperamos que o nosso trabalho ajude a mudar os equívocos populares sobre as pessoas com deficiência)

  • boundary = a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit of something:

limites, fronteira

1. He sometimes has trouble maintaining boundaries in relationships.

(Ele às vezes tem dificuldade em manter limites nos relacionamentos)

2. You can camp anywhere inside the boundaries of the park.

(Você pode acampar em qualquer lugar dentro dos limites do parque)

Estude esse texto no Lingualeo

Estude mais: Pesquise mais significados, mas lembre-se de estudar com frases para entender o contexto que a palavra está inserida. Uma palavra pode ter muitos significados, ainda mais se for um phrasal verb.

Me conte a sua história aprendendo outras línguas. Você acha que sua concepção sobre as coisas mudou? Compartilhe com a gente!

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