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Go Listen #3 - John's Meditation Path

Atualizado: 24 de mar. de 2024


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Level: A1

Title: John's Meditation Path

Once upon a time, there was a man named John who lived a busy life in the city. He had a lot of work to do, many social events to attend, and many other activities that kept him very busy. John felt stressed and anxious because he was always moving fast and didn't feel satisfied.

One day, while walking in the park, John found a meditation class. He had heard about meditation before but had never tried it. He decided to give it a chance, and he liked it a lot. At first, it was hard for John to stop thinking during meditation. His mind raced, and he got distracted by noises around him. But with practice, he started feeling peaceful and clear-minded.

As John continued to meditate, he noticed that he felt less stressed and more relaxed during the day. He could focus better on his work and handle problems more easily. With time, John became more aware of his thoughts and feelings. He learned to watch them without judging and to let them go. He also learned to enjoy the present moment and simple things in life.

Through meditation, John found inner peace and satisfaction that he didn't have before. He practiced regularly and even started teaching meditation to others, wanting to share its benefits. In the end, John realized that meditation changed his life for the better. It helped him quiet his mind, reduce stress, and feel calm and content inside.


1. busy (ocupado): Adjective, If you are busy, you are working hard, or giving your attention to a particular thing. (Adjetivo, se você está ocupado, está trabalhando duro ou dando atenção a uma coisa específica)

Example: The kids are busy with their homework. (As crianças estão ocupadas com os deveres de casa.)

2. stressed (estressado): Adjective, worried and nervous. (Adjetivo, preocupado e nervoso)

Example: The kids are sick, I just lost my baby-sitter, and our toilet doesn’t work – no wonder I feel stressed-out! (As crianças estão doentes, acabei de perder a minha ama e a nossa casa de banho não funciona – não admira que me sinta stressado!)

3. anxious (ansioso): Adjective, worried and nervous. (Adjetivo, preocupado e nervoso)

Example: The drought has made farmers anxious about the harvest. (A seca deixou os agricultores ansiosos com a colheita.)

4. peaceful (pacífico): Adjective, without violence. (Adjetivo, sem violência)

Example: She hoped the different ethnic groups in the area could live together in peaceful co-existence. (Ela esperava que os diferentes grupos étnicos da região pudessem viver juntos em coexistência pacífica.)

5. clear-minded (lúcido): Adjective/Noun, Having a mind free from confusion or fog; thinking clearly and logically; mentally alert and focused..(Adjetivo/Substantivo, Ter uma mente livre de confusão; pensar de forma clara e lógica; mentalmente alerta e focado)

Example:  Stress also makes us less intelligent, less clear-minded. (O estresse também nos torna menos inteligentes e menos lúcidos.)

6. aware (consciente): Adjective, knowing that something exists, or having knowledge or experience of a particular thing. (Adjetivo, saber que algo existe, ou ter conhecimento ou experiência de uma coisa específica)

Example: I wasn't even aware that he was ill. (Eu nem sabia que ele estava doente)

7. judging (julgador): Verb, to form, give, or have as an opinion, or to decide about something or someone, especially after thinking carefully. (Verbo, formar, dar, ou ter como opinião, ou decidir sobre algo ou alguém, principalmente depois de pensar bem)

Example:  You shouldn't judge by/on appearances alone. (Você não deve julgar apenas pelas aparências.)

8. inner peace (paz interior)

Example: They had inner peace because all they had to do all year was plant seeds and then relax while the weather turned them into food. (MEles tinham paz interior porque tudo o que tinham que fazer durante todo o ano era plantar sementes e depois relaxar enquanto o clima as transformava em alimento)

9. benefits (benefícios): Noun, an advantage or profit gained from something. (Substantivo, uma vantagem ou lucro obtido com algo.)

Example: Enjoy the benefits of being a member of my Youtube channel. (Aproveite os benefícios de ser membro do meu canal no YouTube)

10. noise (barulho): Noun, a sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance. (Substantivo, um som, especialmente aquele que é alto ou desagradável ou que causa perturbação)

Example: Traffic noise. (Ruído de trânsito)

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